I just don't get the whole point of turkey season!!! Thanksgiving isn't even for another eight months. No one is going to invite their families over for a big turkey and dressing dinner in the middle of spring. So what is the point of getting up so stinking early in the morning and waking up the rest of your family while you try your best to quietly get ready for the big turkey hunt? Won't they still be there in November when people actually want to eat turkey??? I plan to become rich making silencers for turkey calls. No one needs to hear that loud, obnoxious call every hour of the day in their own home. Lee blows that thing just about every time I am feeding Rowe. I see Rowe looking out the window just looking for that stupid turkey he can hear calling. I open the back door many mornings just expecting to see a whole flock of turkeys lined up to come in. Sometimes I wish that would happen, so Lee wouldn't feel the need to go looking for them in the woods (after he has woken me up at 4 am). Rowe is going to be the only kid in his preschool class that answers with a turkey call when the rest of the kids gobble when the teacher asks, "What does a turkey say?" But she'll be smart enough to ask that around the time of Thanksgiving, and not in the spring. MEN!
If only I had horns, a white tail, feathers, and spurs then maybe my husband could love me!!!
12 years ago
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