From the world looking into the lives of Christians, many only see rules, restrictions, and the "Thou Shalt Nots." The truth is that we have a freedom that goes far beyond any rules or restrictions. It is not always evident in the lives of Christians, therefore the world is clueless to this freedom. We have been given more than just freedom from sin and hell. We have freedoms that I many times never claim.
God offers us the freedom to live worry free lives, if we just trust Him and His will. This is a freedom I am chasing daily. I have yet to surrender all the worries that weigh on my heart. They are small as worrying about the dust under the couch and as large as the worries that come with having a child. I am not saying that nothing bad will ever happen. I am just saying that when you know that God that sees the entire picture and knows what is best for us, we should accept whatever life and many times the devil throws at us, and turn it into an opportunity to glorify God or show others His power.
God also offers us the freedom of peace of mind. We know that this world is not our home, but we are passing through with a purpose on our way home to heaven. No matter what happens to us in this life, it is temporary and eternity will be wonderful. Our time spent here is only a fraction of a centimeter long and our eternity is longer than a million miles.
So today, I choose to chase freedom. I will refuse to let my mind fill with worry as it has almost every minute of everyday. I accept that God loves Lee and Rowe far more than I could ever love them, and that is a great assurance that they are in good hands.
Sometimes I just have write (type) things down in order to hold myself accountable.
12 years ago