Friday, August 22, 2008

Gillis Gang of Columbus, MS

I was doing some research online and did a search on gangs in Columbus, MS. Well, you'll never guess what popped up. You guessed it, MY BLOG. Apparently, The Gillis Gang is a Google find when you are searching gangs in Columbus, MS. But don't worry, we are not in a real gang. We are too vain to get tatoos and love our hair too much to cover it with bandanas. Plus, the only lifetime committments I am making are to God and my family. I hope I am not offending any of my readers. I just thought this was too funny of a search resutlt not to share. Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

erinenorman said...

Ha Ha! I have a mental pic of you all tough in "gang" clothing! People of Columbus, Beware! ;)