Saturday, October 4, 2008

Would the Real Rowe Gillis Please Stand Up!

It is amazing how much changes in one week in a nine month old's life. During this past week, Rowe has grown two new teeth (the count is now up to 8), learned to pull up to a standing position, can walk a few steps holding onto furniture, crawls faster than I run, and has eaten nearly an entire ottomon. I am still working on a slideshow of his latest pictures, but the Internet keeps dying. SO FRUSTRATING!!!


Smith family said...

Missed you tonight. We will get together - hopefully, this week!

Sarah Sharp said...

He is getting so big! What a cutie! Glad I found your new blog. I had the old one linked and it looked like you hadn't updated in awhile.

:]Br0oKe[: said...
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