Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lee's Charm

Lee gave me a charm bracelet with an engagement ring charm on it our first Christmas we were married. He has added a charm each year that represents something significant in our lives that year as a couple. Unfortunately I lost my bracelet when we moved into our house a couple of years ago, so last Christmas he bought me a new one and tracked down all the charms that I had lost. Last year's charm was a beautiful, baby bootie (shoe) representing the miracle that would join us during 2007. This year he gave me a charm shaped like the face of a boy with the initials MGLD engraved in it. It took me a second to realize what it meant. It was Melvin's initials. Melvin is the sweet baby boy that is six months older than Rowe that we sponsor in Guatemala through World Help. I was speechless at Lee's thoughtfulness, and I am rarely speechless. Needless to say, he did good picking out this year's charm!

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